After extensive academic experience, the seal that we want to develop through our teaching is to present Architecture and from it to urbanism, as interfaces of reality: tools to be able to operate with reality, to create and develop human and architectural reconstruction processes. damaged, for the design and construction of new spaces of liberation and reconstruction of identity.
Chernihiv Polytechnic University
The National Polytechnic University of Chernihiv, Ukraine invited Cristian Wittig and Camila Rivera to be a professor holder of the Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Sustainable Design, for developing a creative and innovative architectural design and urban planning workshop for 4-year students. This workshop has the central objective of teaching and transmitting new creative and innovative architectural currents and thoughts of architectural conceptual ideation, to begin the process of transforming the teaching of this discipline at this university, from its original constructive perspective towards a more artistic essence.

Workshop of Anti-seismic architecture for Türkiye
the Izmir Chamber of Commerce and the Izmir University of Economics invited CAWG and Thought Group Chile to develop a training workshop for professionals involved in the architecture, engineering and construction processes, on the new anti-seismic architectural, engineering and construction design strategies based on the great accumulated Chilean anti-seismic experience.